Romance Recommendations From Three Book Bloggers

Hey everyone!
I have been off for a while. It was not really planned but when you travel with out your computer you are just too dumb… Anyway I am back and I am back with a bit of a special post. I would like to broaden my insights on romance novels. I don’t read that much romance but I have decided to change that. So I have asked three book bloggers what their favourite romance novel is. This is what they answered!

Mackenzie @ Lit Lemons Books recommends Honey Baby Sweaheart by Deb Caletti

Mackenzie says: “One of my all time favourite romance YA. It is cheesy, predictable, but steals my heart every-time I pick it up. In short, a girl is struggling with her bad boy love. There is nothing complex or really unique about this story. But if you like a cute romance of young love, Honey Baby Sweetheart is for you.
I found it in my school library in high school. Since then, I’ve been borrowing it from my public library. I’ve read it at least 4 times. I should buy lol.”

Ahana @ Hearts Content recommends The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang

Ahana says: “Being an absolute romance buff, the hardest question someone can ask me is what my favourite romance novel is. However, I done that which I thought I could not. I have chosen my favourite romance novel and it is The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang. 
The Kiss Quotient was an utterly unique and fantastic experience for me because it represents the population of individuals who are on the spectrum of Autism and how they think, feel and want and how it truly is no different from anyone else even while being beautifully unique on its own. 
Being a supporter of all things different and believing that differences should be celebrated The Kiss Quotient warmed my heart because it pulled no punches. The romance is heart-warming, real and you’d never think you’d find something so simple so poignant. I highly recommend it.”

Briana @ Learning to Be Free recommends The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson

Briana says: “My favorite romance novel is The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson. It is a mix of modern day, supernatural, historical fiction, and fantasy. I bought this book when I was studying abroad in Paris from Shakespeare and Company.
I was immediately engrossed by the story. It opens with the protagonist (who remains unnamed throughout the novel) getting into a car crash after hallucinating that he is being attacked by arrows. He survives but is badly injured. In his recovery, he is visited by a woman who weaves him various tales about how they had previously fallen in love in the very distant past. I love that the story is unconventional, heartbreaking, and beautiful all at the same time. I re-read the book every few years.”

Thank you so much Mackenzie, Ahana and Briana for being a part of this post! You should all go check out their blogs! 🖤


What is your favourite romance novel? I would love to get any recommendations!


  1. I absolutely loved the kiss quotient! I didn’t know about the other titles but I will check them out for sure 🙂 Also, I just saw that you are from Copenhagen, I might go visit my cousin overthere in October!

  2. Romance is a genre I have strayed away from for a while, so thank you for the recs! I do recommend The Edge of Never and The Light We Lost! I loved those!

  3. I’ve read (and own) Honey Baby Sweetheart and agree with that recommendation. But I can’t say I know the other two! The Kiss Quotient sounds like one I might enjoy so I should probably add that to my want to read pile!

  4. Out of thoses three, The Kiss Quotient is already on my tbr. Honey Baby Sweetheart seems like it could be a good march for me but not the Gargoyle.. as much it sounds great, I just don’t think my brain could put up with that :\

    Oh man, my favorite.. I wanna say both Sweet Thing by Renée Carlino & Perfect Chemistery by Simone Elkeles

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