Currently Reading Tag

Hello, fellow book lovers! I was tagged by María @Bookgraphy to do the Currently Reading Tag. Thank you so much for tagging me! This is my first tag ever so I am a bit excited about this :)))) So let’s get to it!

  1. How many books do you usually read at once?
    I usually only read one book at a time. However, I have also started reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets the illustrated version. I am only doing this because I know the story so well and can be away from it for a while and still remember what happened.
  2. If you are reading more than one book at a time how do decide when to switch?
    When I feel like a break from the primary book I am reading and want to read something I know and like, I switch to Harry Potter. It is so nice and chill to read it and the drawings are just amazing!
  3. Do you ever switch bookmarks while you are partway through a book?
    Hahaha yeah, I do! Not on purpose though… I always lose my bookmarks. I always put them in the front or at the back of my book so they are out of the way. But they tend to fell out. Therefore my bookmarks often consist of old receipts or train tickets.
  4. Where do you keep your book(s) you are currently reading?
    On me. If you can answer that. I always have my book with me, wherever I go. Just in case you know. My everyday schedule is, like many others quite tight, so every spare moment I have I would like to use for reading.
    I also have developed this bad habit that I can’t go to bed without my book. Let’s say I have read in my living room before going to bed, then I have to bring my book with me up to my bedroom when I go to sleep, even though I know I won’t be reading in it. And when I wake up the next day I will bring it down with me when I go down for breakfast. I don’t know if this is weird or maybe normal? But it is definitely not rational. But I just need my book at my nightstand you know? Haha.
  5. What time a day do you spend the most time reading?
    Usually, I will read on my way to school and on my way to training. Depending on where I train, I have 1 to 2.5 hours transport time each way so it is here I do most of my reading. If I have time when I get home in the evening I will also read there.
  6. How long do you typically read in one sitting?
    Not long haha. I can’t keep still. I move all the time. But maybe 5 to 10 minutes.
  7. Do you read hardbacks with the dust jacket on or off?
    I really don’t read that many hardbacks, as I prefer paperbacks. But when I do I leave it on. Is that wrong? Is there a right way to do it?
  8. What positions do you mainly use to read in?
    If I read in my bed I lie down but I actually hate that. It is so exhausting for my arms and shoulders… When I read I prefer to sit in a good chair or on the coach. I don’t always feel like I have the time to read all that I want. I have, therefore  “learned” to read while I walk. I know this is quite peculiar. Or is it?… But on my way to training I have a rather long walk so I read while walking to get most out of my time :))
  9. Do you take the book you are currently reading with you everywhere go?
    Okay, I guess I have already answered this question but just be clear – yes I take my book with me everywhere! 😀
  10. How often do you update your Goodreads progress on the book you’re currently reading.
    I guess I update my reading progress two to three times. I wish I updated a bit more or that my updates were a bit cooler 😉

That was it! I tag Remmington @Remmington Reads, Adele @Adele Is Reading and James @Up With A Book
Happy reading!


What are your reading habits? When do you read and for how long?


  1. This was a fun tag, I loved reading your responses! How cool that you walk and read?! And I definitely understand the need to bring the book to bedroom even when you don’t plan on reading anymore that evening. You have pretty long commutes, sounds like some perfect time to spend reading.

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