Ace Of Shades by Amanda Foody (review)

This is a unique, captivating and dark book about the secrets, families and power that run the City of Sins. A city filled with gambling, corruption and crime.

To be frank, reader, you’d be better off not visiting the city at all.

AOS cover
Ace Of Shades
Amanda Foody
459 pages
My rating ★★★★★

Synopsis from Goodreads
Enne Salta was raised as a proper young lady, and no lady would willingly visit New Reynes, the so-called City of Sin. But when her mother goes missing, Enne must leave her finishing school—and her reputation—behind to follow her mother’s trail to the city where no one survives uncorrupted.

Frightened and alone, her only lead is a name: Levi Glaisyer. Unfortunately, Levi is not the gentleman she expected—he’s a street lord and a con man. Levi is also only one payment away from cleaning up a rapidly unraveling investment scam, so he doesn’t have time to investigate a woman leading a dangerous double life. Enne’s offer of compensation, however, could be the solution to all his problems.

Their search for clues leads them through glamorous casinos, illicit cabarets and into the clutches of a ruthless mafia donna. As Enne unearths an impossible secret about her past, Levi’s enemies catch up to them, ensnaring him in a vicious execution game where the players always lose. To save him, Enne will need to surrender herself to the city…

I chose to read this book because I found the City of Sin and all the gambling quite intriguing. Come on who can resist a little game of poker? It was new and different compared to other YA fantasy novels. And when a proper young lady visits a city of sin and then meets a street lord, I can’t stay away 😉 My expectations towards this book was a bit mixed. I had both read positive and less positive reviews of this book. But I felt quickly convinced that my review would end up being a rather positive one because this book was up to something rather grand.

If you must visit, reader, then I implore you: remain only on the South Side. Do not cross the Brint. Do not believe their smiles. Do not stray into their lairs. Or you may never come out.

As I said, I was quickly captivated by this book. The pace of this book was rather fast but it never felt rushed. It still took its time, so you had time to catch your breath. But I think it was the world of Ace of Shades that was the thing that really got me hooked. The world building was the thing I liked the most. It was such a fanciful world. The city itself was unique; filled with casinos, gangs, street lords, and powerful families. It was gripping. It was interesting to learn about blood talents and split talents and the powers that belonged to certain last names. However, sometimes this information felt a bit forced. Like it had to fit in there. I didn’t mind that much because everything was so new. It was nice with some info so you didn’t feel too lost and befuddled in this new world.

In the City of Sin secrets are their own sort of currency and reputation holds more power than fortune.

What I enjoyed most about this book was the two main characters Enne and Levi. As individual characters they great but together they were awesome. I loved them so much! I really enjoyed Enne’s transformation from a pretty and proper girl from Bellamy to a feared street lord in the City of Sin. Of course, this transformation was expected in some way but it was still a thrill to follow.

I also loved Levi as a character. A young bisexual street lord. I really liked that his sexuality was made no deal out of. It was not even mentioned because it was regarded as completely normal. Nice Foody! He was just so cool, but somtimes a bit reckless. I found Levi’s loyalty to his gang quite honourable. But also a bit stupid – his should have shared his burden/secret with someone else even though it was his fault. He should at least had trusted Enne. Enne had shown great trust in him even though he failed her once. But they were so awesome together!

Enne and Levi were very different but they still respected each other. And later they bonded over the things they discovered they had in common. The romance was a very slow burn, however, I believe they felt something for each other rather quickly. (Spoiler ahead!) I just wished they had shared just one kiss. Like one kiss, please! But no… I guess I will have to wait for King of Fools to get my kiss.

Avarice, pride and lust – these are all modest desires. What the City of Sin truly craves is destruction.

I am quite excited about what will happen in King of Fools! Especially regarding Levi and Enne. And actually not as a potential couple but as individual citizens in the city. I am especially excited about Enne’s status :)) And that cliffhanger! That was a bit mysterious! Guess we will have to wait and see 😉

Some say the City of Sin is a game, so before you arrive – ask yourself, dear reader, how much are you prepared to lose?


Have you read Ace of Shades? What are your thoughts? Are you also excited about King Of Fools????


  1. I’ve been debating whether to get this book or not but I think I’m gonna take the plunge! I love your review and the quotes sound amazing 😻😻

    1. You should definitely take the plunge! Thank you so much! ❤️ The quotes were used as introductions to every new day. I really enjoyed this way of devision.

  2. It sounds like you really loved this novel! I have heard a little about it but haven’t read many reviews actually, so it was refreshing to get your thoughts. I am glad you liked the world building especially – that’s one of the things that draws me into a book most. And it sounds like the characters were done so well too.

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