Why North & South by Elizabeth Gaskell Still Matters Today

So I read this classic twice within the last year. And for a couple of months ago it came to mind that some of the themes surrounding this book, especially one, still have a say today. I guess, that is the thing with classics, they deal with universal themes that can go about any decade or any century. And that is why most classics and especially North & South still matters today if you aks me.

The “universally” theme in North & South I am talking about is compassion. It may seem a bit cheesy but hear me out. In North & South compassion plays a very important role to solve the plot and conflict of the story? In North & South one sees a lot of tension and devision. It is master against men and it is rich against poor. This tension leads to miscommunication and conflict and in the end violence. Think of poor Margaret who has to get inbetween the angry mob and Mr Thornton.

The situation isn’t much different today. Okay the working class isn’t exactly fighting for scraps and the living qualities are way better, but we still have division and conflicts they are just more globale and I fear the outcome way worse than an angry mob throwing with cubberstones. The tension and devision I am thinking of is the one in the USA due to Trump being president, the devison (and politics chaos) in the UK due to Brexit and even in Denmark where I live we are becoming more divided. Not just politically but also in regards to wealth. Denmark used to be one of the most equal contries in the world. But the rich are getting more rich and the poor are getting more poor. Ugh… enough about politics let me try and get to the point.

To get to the point we need to look more closely at Margaret Hale the heroin of North & South. She is really a favourite of mine. One of her biggest qualities is the amount of compassion she feels towards other people regardless of class and social status. Margaret treats everyone with respects. Both the factory worker Mr Higgins and the rude factory owner Mr Thornton. In the novel Margaret works as a median. She knows people on both sides of the conflict and she almost educate them about one another. She challenges their views and forces them to meet regardless of their differences. And in the end they realise that they need each other and “make peace.”

Margaret works as an indictment of the exciting reality both in the Victorian period as well as in the 21st century. But she also works as in inspiration. We should all look to Margaret and be a bit more like her. I think we should strive to be a bit more compassionate and open towards people around us whether they are liberal or socialist. We should as Margaret engage in discussions and conversations with new and different people. This way we will understand each other better and as a result feel more compassionate towards each other.

Because of this I still feel like North & South matters today because it reminds us what devision and conflicts can cause but it also gives us the solution. Communication, understanding and compassion is the key!

Disclaimer: I don’t mean to offend anyone. I am just expression my own thoughts and opinions.


Do you believe classics still matters today? Why or why not? Any in particular? Do you read classics?

Read my review of North & South HERE!


  1. As soon as I saw this post I knew I had to read it. North and South is such a GOOD novel, I agree completely with you that compassion is the biggest theme. If people had a little more compassion for each other the world would run a lot better. Thanks for sharing these thoughts!

  2. This is a really interesting post! I enjoyed reading more in depth of this topic – mostly because I don’t really know anything of it. I like that the main character is compassionate, it probably makes you feel more for her, especially that she wants to learn and listen from both sides.

  3. I genuinely love this book. It’s one I read in high school, but something about this, and all the Austen I read as well, just ‘clicked’. Absolutely agree with you on why it’s still relevant!! Great post!!

  4. Great post! I completely agree. The division in the US in terrible right now, and we still have another year to endure with Trump. Or (heaven help us) longer if he wins the next election.

    1. Thank you! I am from Europe so I can only imagine but from what I read it must be hard… I fear the worst but hope for the best🙏🏼🖤

  5. It’s such an amazing book and I love that you wrote this post, I feel like it doesn’t get enough love. The themes of it are still important today <3

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