Top Ten Tuesday

I have decided to take part in this week Top Ten Tuesday. A meme hosted by Jana at that artsy reader girl. Every Tuesday a new top ten theme applies and this Tuesdays topic is books that take place in another country.
I have allowed myself to interpret the topic a bit so my Top Ten Tuesday will be Books Set In countries I Would Like To Visit. Since I live in Denmark I will list 10 books that don’t take place in Denmark but in other countries both real and fictional. Some books have I read, some have I not, some places have I already visited and some places have I not.

MPHFPC coverMiss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs (Wales)
This book is set on a remote and mysterious island off the coast of Wales. The sixteen-year-old Jacob discovers an abandoned orphanage: Miss Peregrine’s home for peculiar children.
I have read this book I think it is very mysterious and magical and the setting of Wales was very compelling on me.

TBT coverThe Book Theif by Markus Zusak (Germany)
This book takes place in Germany 1939 and follows nine-year-old orphan Liesel who lives with a foster family on Himmel Street. It is a story about Liesel and of the other inhabitants of Himmel Street.
This book really is something special and tells a sad but important story. I have been to Germany before but only Berlin. I would like to visit other cities and learn about their history.

THUGThe Hate U Give by Angie Thomas (The United Staes)
This brilliant novel about racism and political violence takes place in America mainly in the neighbourhood Garden Heights. The book follows Starr who witnesses her best friend being shot. (check out my review)
I have only ever been to America once and I was only in New York, which I have heard should be the most “European” city in the US. I would, therefore, like to see more of America. I don’t know whether I wish to go on a full American road trip but I think it could be interesting to visit a couple of cities and experience their different cultures.

THG coverThe Hunger Games by Susan Collins (Panem)
Some would and could might argue that The Hunger Games takes place somewhere in America too. But I say it counts as another country since it is fictional and has its own name; Panem. The Hunger Games trilogy are one of my favourite books but I will admit I wouldn’t fancy a trip to Panem – even if the odds were in my favour 😉

TLTWATW coverThe Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis (Narnia)
Narnia, another fictional country I would like to visit. I must admit I have never read the books. I started on the first one years ago but at that time my English was not good enough for me to finish the book… I know shame on me – but I have seen the films if that is any reconciliation. Anyway, Narnia seems like an incredible place, and to meet the beavers would be cuteness overload!

11RB1811 roman bok 18 by Dag Soltad
This book is a Norwegian book and it takes place in … Norway! well guessed! I have been in Norway before (and actually lived there for 6 months) and I would love to explore more of Norway – they have an amazing nature! A lot I have left to see. But this book doesn’t take place in the Norwegian nature, it takes place in a small town called Kongsberg. It is an existentialistic novel where the protagonist chooses to fake an accident that disables his legs and binds him to a wheelchair. (Who would do such a thing?!) It is a quite strange novel due to the protagonist’s strange choice and his general character. But even so, it makes me interested in seeing the town the book is set to take place in.

MT coverMellem Træerne by Gyrdir Eliasson (Island)
To stay in literature from the Nordic countries Mellem Træerne is a short story collection written by Gyrdir Eliasson and is set on Island. The short stories are written in the genre magical realism. I have only read a couple of the 47 short stories but I plan to read more and I would be super excited if I one day got the opportunity to visit Iceland as well!

TLBOLH coverThe Little Bookshop Of lonely Hearts by Annie Darling (England)
This book takes place in England more specifically London, Bloomsbury. This romance novel is a story about Posy who inheritance a bookshop and her struggle to turn it into a romance only bookshop. (check out my review)
I have been to England and London several times before but I wish to visit England for a longer period of time. So I could get to know the place better and find all the local treasures.

GWG coverGeorge Washington Gomez by Americo Paredes (Mexico)
George Washington Gomes is a coming of age novel set on the Mexico American border in the 1930’s. The novel follows the boy Gualinto Gomez and his identity struggle torn between two cultures and two countries. I found this book to be very informative on the historic and cultural conflict between Mexico and America. However, I do not feel entirely compelled to visit Mexico but you ever know what opportunities that come your way.

AATFK coverAnna And The French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins (France)
I have wanted to read this book for a long time. It is about Anna who is shipped of to boarding school in Paris. There she meets the charming Ètienne St Clair and I guess a lot of cute things happen. But who wouldn’t want to visit charming Paris? I definitely would!

Thanks for reading to the end!
-Nicoline <3

What countries or places are on your travel bucket list? Any books that inspired your travel destinations? 


  1. Honestly, the Narnia films were so close to the original stories that you don’t have to read the books. The writers and directors did a very good job with adapting their themes for the movies.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. Me too I have wanted to read Anna and The French Kiss for far to long now… But I have decied that the next time I am up for a YA romance​ book it will be it. 😀 But I would definetly​​ recommend​​ you The Hate U Give it is a great read, but also fast 🙂

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