The Sunshine Blogger Award

Back in April I was nominated for The Sunshine Blogger Award by Anisa! Thank you so much!! Really, it is nice to feel appreciated <3

The rules:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you in a blog post and links back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display The Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post.

Anisa’s 11 questions for me:

1. What caused you to start reading?

When I was a kid I only read because I had to in school. And I hated it…. Once a month or so me and my class mates went down to the school library to borrow a book that we had to read. I couldn’t never find anything that caught my attention or was in the right lix number. My parents was a bit worried especially my mum who bought me all kinds of books trying to get me to read. Later I developed a passion for horseback riding (yeah I was one of those annoying girls who didn’t talk about anything else) and found a range of books about horses and riding. I slowly started to enjoy reading I later continued to read and discover new books and genres that I liked. I also read harry Potter (of course) which I think played a huge part in my reading passion. I can tell my parents are no longer worried, they are rather more worried about the amount of time I spend on books and other bookish things.  😉

2. What does reading mean to you?

Reading is most of all enjoyment and entertainment. Reading is a lovely thing. You get to know so many stories and characters. I thinks that is the most amazing thing. You can read about the hole world – past present and future! And as George R. R. Martin has said: “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.

3. Does your soulmate has to be a bibliophile as well? Or as long as he/she respects your love for books it’ll be fine?

Haha I have actually thought of this question before. I think I came to the conclusion that no my soulmate does not need to be a bibliophile. However he should respect my passion for books and be able to withstand all my babbling about them 😉 

4. What do you normally eat/drink while reading?

Nothing actually. I can’t eat and read at the same time.(I have tried honestly but can’t make it work hahah) I need to take a break from reading in order to eat or drink something. But coffee and chocolate are always great! 

5. Choose 1 book that you hope people will never forget.

This is a hard one… I think will have to go with North and South by Elisabeth Gaskell. This Victorian classic tackles great universally themes which I think are still relevant today!

6. You are now on an island, which 3 books will you bring along with you?

Now, I would bring with me King of Fools, Holes and Only Ever Yours.

7. Who is your fictional boyfriend/girlfriend? List the qualities you like about them.

I don’t really have a fictionally boyfriend or a male character who I think is the perfect boyfriend material. I tend to think boys in books are too perfect and in that way unrealistic. Guys in books mainly tend to be great looking, confident in them selves and not so much more.(Maybe it is because I most of the times read books with a girl as the protagonist?) There are some guys I think stand out and have some qualities I would look for in a guy. Sam from Emergency Contact and Bo from The Fill-In Boyfriend. They are both nice and humble and more complex characters who I would enjoy having a conversation with. However I will still be drooling over Rhys and Four 😉 These not necessarily un-complex characters but they are just too good to be true :))))

8. Has anyone ever judged you for being a bibliophile? How did you react?

Not really, I don’t think most people know or expect that I am. My family and closet friends know of course but they just think it it cool! But sometimes when I meet new people and I tell them that I read books for fun they look quite quizzically at me. But I don’t really care they are the ones missing out and I actually like when people think I am bit of a geek/smart, because I aren’t really.

9. Are you proud to be a bibliophile?


10. If you have to pick ONE magical item from ANY  book and have it in real life, which one would you choose?

A wand! Like who wouldn’t?!

11. Unfortunately you have to kill a protagonist in any book, who would you kill?

  • I think that would have to be Elisabeth from Wintersong. I didn’t like the book mainly because Elisabeth was such an annoying character that I couldn’t relate to at all. Sorry not sorry. 

My 11 questions!

  1. What are your top three books of all time?
  2. What book or series made you fall in love with reading?
  3. Who is your best fictionally friend and why?
  4. What book would you recommend that everybody read?
  5. Paperbacks or hardbacks? and why?
  6. What is your favourite reading spot?
  7. Do people judge that you read and do you judge people who don’t read?
  8. What are your bookish goals for this year?
  9. What is your go-to-place for buying books?
  10. What book have you read the most times?
  11. Who would you like to meet (living dead fictional real? Why?

I nominate Kal, Sam, Ayushi, Susan, Isabelle, Michaela, Adele and anyone who would be interested in answering my questions! I would be honoured!

Badge of The Sunshine Blogger Award


  1. I’ve heard so many people say that they didn’t (or still don’t) like reading because of school, and it always makes me so sad – personally I always loved English and literature classes, but I know I’ve been lucky to have awesome teachers who made even the boring / dense books exciting! (sidenote: I actually don’t mean Shakespeare, I think Shakespeare is terrific 😜) but it’s awesome that you grew to love reading – Harry Potter is definitely a magical gateway 😉

    to be totally honest I’m kind of over Harry Potter myself (I adored it in elementary and early middle school, but have since moved on to other fandoms) but I also picked a wand! mostly because you can do so many different things with it, haha.

    thanks for nominating me! 💕

    1. Yeah it is sad. My dislike for reading was only in my young school years. I guess as you get older and better at reading there are more books to choose for. When i went to the gymnasium my favourite class was English and Danish. I liked getting introduced to more or less strange and interesting literature.

      I don’t believe I am entirely over Harry Potter myself yet. I have only read the series twice. But as the series gets older and new occur I think my relationship to it weakens. What fandoms are you most into at the moment then? Yeah exactly if you had a wand you could do so many different things with it! 😉
      Of course! Your welcome! <3

  2. Thoses are quite some nice questions ! My problem with thoses tags though, is you need to create questions for the “next generations”…. which I am really bad at 😂

    I used to think my partner needed to read aswell ! But the most important one is respect my love of books, in the end they don’t really need to embrace it themselves – Just comfort me after book crying in the middle of the night, build me shelves and buy me books xD that’s it. Though Alex quite enjoy mangas, and I decide that was good enough for me ahaha!

    While younger people did judge me for reading ! Most of my peers hated it (specially in french, which most were speaking in english although we were a french school – because rebels.) So seeing me reading for FUN was quite alien to them xd

  3. 3. and 10. are honestly so relatable. *high five*
    And I hated reading when I was younger too. I was so hyperactive, sitting still and looking at words made me want to scream. But my mom would literally force me to improve my reading. And at one point the book I was forced to read was actually interesting and it was down the reading rabbit hole from there onwards.

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