My Unpopular Bookish Opinions (TopTenTuesday)

There are a lot of bookish opinions out there! Probably too many. But let’s just remember too respect each other opinions even though they may be different from our own.

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week there is a new topic for bloggers to choose and list their top ten. This week’s theme is Top Ten Unpopular Bookish Opinions. Here comes my list. Some are probably more (un)popular than others 😉

1. The Wicked King was disappointment

Okay no a big one so let be exiling before any accusations 😉 I read The Wicked King way after it real date and had read so many great reviews saying it was better that the Cruel Prince. And the Cruel Prince was just WOW! Soo I guess I had quite high expectations. Don’t get me wrong I really enjoyed reading it android it in three days. I just wasn’t head over heels about it. I mean not that much happens really. And the ending was probably a bit unexpected but not that mind-blowing. Never the less I am still dying to read Queen of Nothing.

2. I haven’t read Throne of Glass

I feel like everyone in the book blogging community have read this series and loved it. I have read ACOTAR and loved (virtually) all the books. But I still have left to read Throne of Glass. Maybe I will do it this summer … or I will reread ACOTAR 😉

3. A book is made of paper

I hate myself so much for feeling this way but I can’t help it. When you read a book I associate it with a “real” book made of paper and not an ebook or audio book *squirms in embarrassment*. I know this opinion is kind of old-school and snobbish. I just hope it way change with the years. The most pathetic and hypocritically thing really is that I listen to audiobooks and read Ebooks myself. Not ever often though. But if I can rent it for “free” at my library I sometimes do that. I still count if for my Goodreads challenge and I honestly believe it still count as read the book. But reading a “real” book is just more satisfying for me 🙂

4. I don’t like bookish merchandise

Honestly i don’t know what it is for and what the point is. I get that it can be cute etc in the moment but it just takes up space really.

5. I have not read a book where I could 100% relate

This is probably not an unpopular opinion but maybe more kind of a confession. I don’t believe I have read a book I felt was written for me. A book where I could 100 % relate to what the character was feeling and experiencing. (Maybe my life is just way too boring?) I have read many books were the character were relatable in some aspects and where I felt invested in the charter and went through what the character when through emotionally. But I still have left to read a book where I get the feeling that this is me, this book is written to someone like me. Am I the only one who haven’t found that yet? And should I even be looking? I guess the beauty of books is that you can learn so much about other people and things outside your little world.

6. Trope in SSF YA

I absolutely hate the trope in SSF YA  “I don’t want more people to die or get hurt because of me.” Please stop your self-pitying! I can’t stand it. Just stop it please! *breaths out relieved* With that said lets move on :)))

7. Third person narration is not my cup of tea

I don’t like books with a third person omniscient point of view! It is so confusing to read and I feel way closer an invested in a character if it is told in first person. It doesn’t keep me from reading a book (luckily). I loved Ace of Shades but King of Fools is takings its turns with me…

8. Stop with the “strong” female characters

I have done it myself though. Reduced great female characters to just being “strong”. But I like to believe I know better now. I don’t like this idealising “strong” women in fiction as well as in tv and movies for that matter. It is too simple. Female strength can be shown in more ways than just one. Great female characters can have many variations and depts. A frail woman or a feminine woman can also be a great and compelx characters. Women don’t have to be “strong“ all the time. An interesting article on this subject from TheOdyssesyOnline.

9. John Greens books are overrated

It really is as simple as that I believe John Green’s books are overrated. I must admit I have read several of his books and enjoyed them. But I did it when I was younger and not as critical. Now, I believe they all build on the same (boring) pattern. And I feel they only get so much press because they are written by him and not because they are that great. Sorry.

10. The hate-to-love trope is…

…everything! I hate to admit it but I am sucker for the hate to love trope even though it is the most cliche thing ever…. I can’t help it so i am not gonna apologise 😉

So these were my 10 bookish unpopular opinions or confession if you want. Please don’t judge me fore these, we all have our weird and bad things :)))

What are your best/word unpopular bookish opinions? Do we have any of the same? Please tell me we do! <3


  1. I love hate-to-love too! Much better than love at first sight – there’s nowhere to go from there. And I agree with you about the strong female characters thing, I’d rather have complex and different female characters than for them all to be strong all the time.

    1. Yay I like you! 😉 yeah love at first sight just doesn’t work for either. Maybe because I think it is so unrealistic. I don’t know any who have experienced it in real life.
      Yeah me too!

  2. I agree with you on the preferring to read physical books point! I don’t think it is a snobbish opinion to have. I pay better attention to physical copies of books and digital copies just don’t feel the same.

    1. I am glad to hear I am not the only one. I like the fact that I can do other things when listening to audio books but I tend to loose focus… So I always end up reading physical copies as you said you pay better attention to what you are reading 🙂

  3. These are GREAT! I thought this might be what she meant about bookish opinions, and I almost went this direction, but decided to just throw a bunch of books under the bus instead. 🙂 I agree with you on so many points here. I used to be the same with “real books” – until I moved to a country where all the libraries and bookstores carry German language books only. So I had to branch out. But real books are still my favorite.

    1. Thank you!! Well I liked your interpretation. Ah I see. I actually lucky to have libraries where I live with a great assortment of books (both physical and ebooks) but I am just learning to remember it use it. Maybe in a year I will feel the same way as you. ☺️

  4. Fabulous list. I’m with you on the third person omni. Please abolish it.

    Strong female characters can be overdone. No one is strong all the time.

    Thanks for visiting my blog on Tuesday.

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