My bad reading habbit​s

I think it is safe to say that we all have bad habits and I also think it is safe to say that all readers have some or at least one bad reading habit. I want to thank Maria @ Bookgraphy for tagging me in this tag. This was really interesting to reflect about and also fun to write about and lastly, it was an eyeopener for all the reading habits I have gotten me over the years 😉 So let’s get to them!

Judge books by their covers

Well, I think that everyone one does this… Everyone judge books by their covers even if they want to admit it or not. We also “judge” people when we meet them for the first time. Did you now that it only takes 7 seconds before someone had made a first-hand impression of you. 7 seconds(!) and then they have made an assumption about you and your character! That is a bit crazy I think. But back to the books. An ugly/bad book cover doesn’t keep me from reading the book. if I have read great and interesting reviews of a book I will read it regardless of the book cover. (of course, a pretty cover is just an extra bonus :))) ) However if I am browsing through my bookstore the most charismatic and beautiful covers will catch my eye first – I won’t deny that – but I will eventually get to the more boring/ugly books because my bookstore does not have that much to offer 😉 Of course judging books by their covers isn’t a great thing but honestly, I don’t feel that bad about it. Sorry, not sorry.

No solid form of a bookmark

I can never keep one bookmark while reading a book. If I am using a “real” bookmark I always tend to lose it. I have to be creative of what I can use instead; receipts, train tickets, postcards, gum paper or banknotes. Just name something flat and I have probably used it as a bookmark 😀 I would really like to try and buy some fancy bookmarks but I am afraid I will lose them right away and then it would be kind of a waste of money.

Reading the last page of the book

Actually, I have partly quit this habit. I used to read the last page of the book I was reading before I was even halfway. I did this for two reasons; either I did it because I was so excited to see how things ended or I feard how things would end and I wanted to brace myself. (There may also be a third possible reason I just wanted to do it because I knew it was wrong. Wow, such a crime rider! Not so much Nicoline 😀 ) (Actually, when I was thinking of watching Gossip Girl the first thing I did was to google who gossip girl was. When I got my answer I began watching the series. (Like why Nicoline??) Why I did spoil everything for myself I have no idea. Maybe some psychologist can tell me haha.) Once again back to the books. I do not read the last page of a book anymore before I actually get there, now I just read the last sentence or so. Which I guess is better than an entire page.

Jumping a few pages forward

Sometimes when a book is in a more quite descriptive phase where there isn’t happening that much I jump a few pages forward to where something more exciting is happening. I then start skimming or reading from there and only stop when my consciousness gets too bad. I then go back to where I jumped from and read from there again. I also do this jumping/skipping when things get too excited and I need to know what happens. This is a stupid habit because I sometimes read some passages or pages twice. I also need two bookmarks sometimes because I am not a skimmer. When I read a book I read everything even if I have to go back and read again.

Binge reading

I don’t do this very often but when I do I feel so bad afterards. Of course, there is nothing wrong with reading a book fast but sometimes it just goes too fast. I always wish I had savoured it so I could enjoy it over a longer period of time. But no, not possible, I have no self-control…

Reading more books than I can review

This habit may be closely related to the one above. However, I tend to do this way more often. My list of books to review just keeps growing and growing. And when I can check one off the list, two more books are added… Typical, but what can a bookworm do? 😉

To many books not enough shelves

Last bad habit – I have too many books and no place to put them. I only have one slim bookcase and it is stuffed with books. There is no more physical space for books in that bookcase so now I stack books on my night table and my dressing table and it looks so messy and not organised. I really need more space for books in my room!

That was all the habits I could think of. I would like to tag Clo @ Book Dragons, Michaela @ Journey Into Books and Lily @ Sprinkles of Dreams or anyone who wants to reflect and share their reading habits

What are your bad reading habits? Do we have any of the same? 


  1. I actually spoiled myself about who gossip girl was too😂 It was too much and I needed to know! I’ve done it with other tv shows too but never with a book🤔 for some reason I like the whole mystery in books more than tv😂

    1. I am so pleased to hear that I am not the only one who has done that! 😂 Some tv shows are like 8 seasons of 20 episodes that lasts 45 minutes I will have to know if the ending is worth watching for 😉

  2. I have to periodically look at my shelves and donate a few to my library because otherwise I will run out of room real quick. I judge books by their covers too. What can I say? The first thing you discover about a book is usually the cover. I think we’ve been spoiled too with all the beautiful covers that have been released in recent years.

    1. That is such a good thing. Maybe I should consider something like that.
      Yess we have! There are some many beautiful covers out there.

  3. You’ve got a beautiful new site! I love it. The theme is wonderful. However… there’s no form field to enter Mt website?

    Have you tried mini reviews? They really help with the review backlog 🙂 and ease the stress!
    And I struggle with the bookmarks as well xD

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