10 Signs You Are A Book Lover (like me)

We book lovers probably share some of the same traits. In this post, I will list 10 things that make me the book lover I am. Some are probably obvious book lover traits and some might be less book-lover-ish. But that is just my way of being a book lover. Read my list to see how much a book lover like me you are.

(This is a rather short post but I didn’t feel like writing a novel for each sign as some of them goes without saying. And some may not. If so, ask if you care to know. 🖤)

You always carry a book with you. As in ALWAYS.
You would rather lose your phone than the book you are reading.
You own more books than shelves. My floor is a shelf now and even that it soon filled up.
You will never fully comprehend that you can not read all the books you want in your life. 
You always try to keep up with all the newest and exciting released books but fail miserably.
You will not under any circumstances let anyone touch your books. Sorry, but you look with your eyes. If you want to touch, buy your own books. 
You have perfected the skill of walking and reading simultaneously. 
You get the most crazy killer butterflies in your stomach over a book you love.
You sincerely dream of your own personal library/reading room. 
You have never pre-ordered a book and probably never will. 

So these are the 10 things that make me a book lover. What do you think? How much a book lover like me are you? Please, let me know in the comments! 🖤

What weird or less wired things define you as your own book lover?

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week there is a new topic for bloggers to choose and list their top ten. This week’s theme is Ten Signs You’re a Book Lover.


  1. I’m kinda like you but I have a few differences. I’ll let people touch my books, under strict supervision and no you can’t borrow them.

    1. I’m happy to hear that! Haha that’s nice! I never understood that however, it feels like I buy nothing 😉

  2. HAHAAHAH I have definitely never preordered a book and I’m ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS carrying my Kindle or if I’m reading a physical book than that as well. And I protect my book/Kindle with my life. I never hand my bag with my Kindle or my book over to anyone and one the rare occasion I do, I stare them in the eyes with all the seriousness of Gollum with his ring (so yes imagine that edge of crazy) and go, “Guard this with your LIFE.”

    1. Hahaha I love this. I am actually buying an e-reader later this month and will probably end up like you hehe. You are a very trustful person 😉


        Hahahaha it’s usually my mum and she carried me for nine months, I trust the lady implicitly ♥️😍

        1. I am quite certain that I will buy a Kobo Clara e-reader as it is most compatible with libby/overdrive. :)))
          Hahaha okay maybe I would also trust my mum with my books <3

  3. You’ve never pre-ordered a book? I have three on pre-order right now. But I definitely identify with the floor being a bookshelf. And some books I buy on Kindle and in hardback just so I can let my family members read them and I don’t have to part with my preciouses.

    1. No I haven’t… 😉 I have thought of it many times but it feels like I won’t get anything from my money. I don’t think I am so patient 😉 Uhh which ones??

  4. I don’t do pre-orders. Lol I don’t always carry a book around me most of my books are on my phone, so if I lose my phone, I cry lol.

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